Matsubara Miki

Matsubara Miki Portrait Matsubara Miki Cover Matsubara Miki Smiling Matsubara Miki's Hand on Face Matsubara Miki Colorized and Enhanced Matsubara Miki in a Dress Suit Smiling

One of the Greatest Japanese composer, lyricist, and singer from Nishi-ku, Sakai, Osaka, Japan.

Matsubara Miki - Stay with Me

To you, yes my love to you.

Yes my love to you, you, to you.

I am I, and you are you.

And last night, you said you feel the same way.

And on this grey jacket, there's a coffee stain familiar to me.

It's just like always...

Like our reflections in any window.

Stay with me...

I cry at your door at midnight, but you never come back.

And the seasons go by.

Stay with me...

You always say the same, but I embrace those moments.

And those are the moments I'll never forget.

They say there's two different kinds of love.

And last night you said you feel the same way.

Another winter comes, and you're even further away.

But even so, I always feel you there with me...

You're always there...

Stay with me...

And when I knock on your door, I feel the hole in my heart.

Again, anotehr season will pass...

Stay with me...

I'll let my record player play forever.

Repeating the same melody over and over again.

Stay with me...

I'll stay at your door, crying for you forever.

Another season goes by you.

Stay with me...

You always say the same, but I embrace those moments.

Those moments give me warmth...

Stay with me...

I cry at your door at midnight, but you never come back.

And again, a season goes by us.

Stay with me...

You always say the same, and I still embrace those moments.

Because those momenets still give me warmth...

Stay with me...

And still I cry at your door at midnight, but you never come back.

And again, a season goes by us.

Stay with me...